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Committees Committed to the Work

Workforce Board Lehigh Valley as a resource can only be as strong as the sum of its parts. That’s why we have a series of committees which help us develop and enforce policies and establish the resources to help Lehigh Valley employers and their workforce.

Have an interest in serving on one of our committees? Contact us to find out more information and learn about qualifications.

Find out more about our committees.

Executive Committee

The Executive Governance Committee recommends priorities, goals, objectives, projects, and strategies to address the workforce development needs of the community and delegates actions approved by the WBLV to standing and special committees. This committee negotiates with the commonwealth on local performance measures, monitors performance outcomes, and ensures accountability and transparency of the workforce system.

Our Executive Governance Committee includes the Officers of the Board and Committee Chairs.


Jane Brooks

Regional Manager, Community Affairs
Highmark Blue Shield

Vice Chair

Morten Rasmussed

VP Operations Human Resource & Compensation
B. Braun Medical Inc.


Stephen Patterson

Chief Lending Officer
Fleetwood Bank


Denise Maiatico

Vice President
Meyer Jabara Hotels of LV

Portia Watkins

HR Business Partner
Gemini/KB Systems, Inc.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee maintains oversight of the WBLV spending plan and reviews program budgets, conducts fiscal and financial oversight of programmatic and administrative entities, analyzes strategic plans to determine fiscal impact, develops and recommends fiscal policies, procedures and processes, and reviews audit reports and financial aspects of program monitoring reports, making recommendations as needed.


Stephen Patterson

Chief Lending Officer
Fleetwood Bank


Ann Bieber

Lehigh Carbon Community  College


John MacDonald

Allied Personnel Services


David Wolff

Vice President
Kressler Wolff & Miller

Strategic Planning Committee

Includes a minimum of eleven WBLV members and up to four non-WBLV members. The Strategic Planning Committee shall recommend program policy to the WBLV, serve as a Request for Proposals Review Committee, review the WIOA Local Plans and Plan Modifications and recommend adoption to the WBLV, assist in negotiation and monitoring of program performance, and shall address other program issues as assigned by the WBLV Chair.


Denise Maiatico

Vice President
Meyer Jabara HOtels of the LV


Portia Watkins

HR Business Partner
Gemini/KB Systems, Inc.


Brooke Cho

Plant Manager
District Administrator
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation


James Irwin

Staff Representative
Lehigh Valley Labor Council AFLCIO


Lorraine Faccenda

Plant Manager


Gregg Potter

Senior Labor Relations Consultant
Capital Blue


Lisa Nesbitt

Executive Director
Northampton County Department of Human Services


Keith Reynolds

Reynolds Business Systems Inc.